
Mystery Shopper Programme

Juul Labs UK operates a Mystery Shopper Programme to monitor retailer compliance with age-verification laws and company policies.

Juul Labs UK conducts retailer compliance checks through its Mystery Shopper Programme to help JUUL retailers assess their compliance with age-verification laws and Juul Labs UK’s underage use prevention policies.

Challenge 25 mandates that before a sale, the staff request and inspect a government-issued ID for anyone appearing below the age of 25 to prove that they are over the age of 18. Third-party auditors may go into your retail locations to shop for JUUL products and perform the Challenge 25 compliance check. 

Juul Labs UK contracts Serve Legal as an independent, third-party to conduct mystery shopper visits. Serve Legal is a market-leading provider of age-verification and compliance testing services in the United Kingdom and Ireland. 

Serve Legal recruits 18/19-year-old auditors to shop for JUUL products. Retailers will incur a violation if the shop assistant fails to request a photographic ID of a shopper who appears under the age of 25 years to verify that they are of legal-purchasing age. 

Juul Labs UK implements a Three-Strikes Enforcement Policy for retailers that incur a violation. This policy enforces escalating penalties for retailers with subsequent violations, including and up to a potential sales ban. 

Below is a detailed summary of the actions taken by Juul Labs UK for every subsequent violation: 

3 Strikes Policy Responsibilities and Actions
Fail 1

Communicated to the retailer by the following methods:

  • Juul Labs UK sends an auto- generated email Notification Letter to the retailer, informing them of the failed compliance check
  • Where there is no email address, letters will be posted by mail

Verbal communication and training:

  • All sites that receive a first failed compliance check should receive Challenge 25 (C25) training materials prior to retesting
  • Retailers are re-tested 60-90 days after the first failed shop
Fail 2

Communicated to the retailer by the following methods:

  • Juul Labs UK sends an auto-generated email Notification Letter to the retailer, informing them of the failed compliance check
  • Where there is no email address, letters will be posted by mail

Additional C25 training

  • All sites that receive a second failed compliance check should receive additional C25 training materials prior to retesting
  • Retailers are re-tested 60-90 days after the second failed shop
Fail 3

Communicated to the retailer by the following methods:

  • Juul Labs UK institutes a 90-day suspension period that prohibits the retailer from selling JUUL products during the suspension period
  • Retailers receive a letter informing them of their suspension


  • Retailers are subject to a 90-day suspension period from selling JUUL Products
  • Retailers should receive communications from Juul Labs UK requesting that the retailer complete team training prior to reactivation
  • The retailer is re-tested within 30 days of reactivation